Africa Week 2024

The 2024 UNESCO Africa Week was held this year from 22nd to 24th May, 2024 with the theme “Education for Innovation, Development, and Culture in Africa,” at the UNESCO HQ Paris. This yearly event honors Africa’s cultural richness and underscores the vital importance of education in fostering sustainable development and innovation. As the premier event …

219th Session of the Executive Board of UNESCO

The 219th Session of the Executive Board of UNESCO, which commenced on March 13th came to an end today, March 27th, 2024. The Executive Board, comprising 58 Member States and operating under the auspices of the General Conference, stands as one of UNESCO’s three constitutional organs. Its duties encompass preparing the General Conference’s agenda, assessing …

Nigeria’s National Statement at the 219th Session of the Executive Board

Nigeria’s National Statement Delivered on 18th March at the Executive Board plenary by H. E. Dr. Hajo Sani, Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Nigeria to UNESCO President of the General Conference, Chairperson of the Executive Board, Madam Director-General, Excellencies, Distinguished Colleagues, Let me start by extending my congratulations to Madame Chairperson for the exemplary manner in …

Nigeria Minister of State for Education Meets U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs

On the Margin of the 42nd General Conference, H.E. Dr. Hajo Sani alongside Rt. Hon. Mark Bako Useni – Member of the Federal House of Representatives in company of other Nigerian Delegates attended a meeting between the Honourable Minister of State for Education – Dr. Yusuf Sununu, and the United States Assistant Secretary of State …

Nigeria Gets Elected into UNESCO Executive Board

On 15th November, 2023, Nigeria was elected as a member of UNESCO Executive Board making Nigeria one of 58 Members of the Organ. The Executive Board being one of the three constitutional Organs of UNESCO acts under the authority of the General Conference. The organ examines the programme of work for the organization, the corresponding …

42nd UNESCO General Conference 2023

The 42nd General Conference of UNESCO which commenced on 7th November, 2023, ends today, 22nd November, 2023. The General Conference is the highest constitutional Organ of the Organization and consists of the representatives of UNESCO’s Member States. “It meets every two years, and is attended by Member States and Associate Members, together with observers for …

2023 Annual Retreat of the Permanent Delegation of Nigeria to UNESCO

The 2023 Annual Retreat of the Permanent Delegation of Nigeria to UNESCO was held from 1 – 6 May, 2023 at Domaine de Vaugouard, Fontenay Sur Loing, France, with an aim of creating a space for a more informal exchange in order to encourage creativity, knowledge sharing among colleagues, brainstorming,  foster better understanding among staff …

H.E. Dr. Hajo Sani leads a Delegation from the Governing Board of the International Centre for Biotechnology to a Meeting with the Management of UNN

Yesterday, 21st February, Prof. Charles Igwe – Vice chancellor of the University of Nigeria Nsukka, received Her Excellency, Dr. Hajo Sani, who led a delegation of the Governing Board of the International Centre for Biotechnology, a UNESCO Category II Centre in Nsukka, Nigeria. The Meeting with the management of the University reviewed the outcomes of …

The Permanent Delegation of Nigeria to UNESCO extends its support to the Turkish Government

The Permanent Delegation of Nigeria to UNESCO yesterday extended its support to the Turkish government following the devastating earthquake that occurred last week Monday, 6th February, which has claimed numerous lives. H.E. Dr. Hajo Sani, Ambassador and Permanent Delegate, seized the opportunity to express the deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy of the Government and people …