The 219th Session of the Executive Board of UNESCO, which commenced on March 13th came to an end today, March 27th, 2024.
The Executive Board, comprising 58 Member States and operating under the auspices of the General Conference, stands as one of UNESCO’s three constitutional organs. Its duties encompass preparing the General Conference’s agenda, assessing the Organization’s work program and budget proposals, and offering recommendations on various matters like the admission of new member states and the selection of the Director-General.
The Board deliberates on numerous entrusted matters, including the preparation of the agenda of the General Conference and examines the programme of work for UNESCO and corresponding budget estimates submitted to it by the Director-General, makes recommendations on the admission of new States that are not members of the United Nations, makes recommendations to the General Conference vis-à-vis the appointment of the Director General, is responsible for the execution of the programme adopted by the General Conference and, in this connection, considers the reports on activities of the Organization submitted by the Director-General, summons international and non-governmental conferences on education, the sciences and humanities or the dissemination of knowledge, in accordance with regulations adopted by the General Conference etc.
Nigeria was represented at the Session by H. E. Dr. Hajo Sani, Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Nigeria to UNESCO
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