On 7th April, 2022, Her Excellency, Amb. Hajo Sani, Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Nigeria to UNESCO, took the floor during a Session of the Programme and External Relations Commission (PX) at the Executive Board as an Observer.
The 214th Executive Board Session took place from 30th March to 13th April, 2022. The Executive Board which consists of 58 Member States, each with a four year term of office, is one of the three constitutional organs of UNESCO. Acting under the authority of the General Conference, the Board examines the programme of work for the Organization and corresponding budget estimates submitted by it to by the Director-General.
Intervention by Her Excellency:
214 EX/6 SDG 4 – EDUCATION 2030
Thank you Chair for giving me the floor.
Nigeria as a member of the E-9 attaches high priority to SDG 4 and greatly values UNESCO’s leadership in coordinating and monitoring national and regional activities. An example is the Consultation of our Ministers of Education on Digital Learning Initiative to accelerate progress.
We thank France, UNESCO and other partners for organizing the High-Level Segment of the 2021 Global Education Meeting. Its Paris Declaration encourages national parliaments to strengthen investment in education, particularly for COVID-19 recovery. My Delegation is ready to work with the Secretariat and other Delegations willing to share experience in elaborating a plan of action for follow-up at the national level.
One area of intervention of the Nigerian Youth SDGs Network is education and capacity building. We therefore welcome the launch of the SDG 4 Youth Network.
Nigeria welcomes UNESCO’s leadership in the Transforming Education Summit and co-sponsored the amendment to the Draft Decision.
Our question is what would be the involvement of UNESCO field offices in the various platforms within the Global Education Cooperation Mechanism Framework?
I thank you for your attention.