March 25, 2025

Regional Groups

Nigeria is an active member of the following under listed Regional Groups in UNESCO:

  • Africa Group
  • ECOWAS Group
  • Commonwealth Group
  • G77+China
  • Group of Non-Aligned Member States (NAM)

These Groups have the objective of providing its members with forums to facilitate the achievement of common positions and mutual support on issues affecting their member states in the mandate of UNESCO at the regional and national levels. The activities of these Groups are designed to promote and ensure dialogue and cordiality with their member states and other Regional Groups on issues on the mandate of UNESCO and facilitate the adoption of decisions by consensus.

The Permanent Delegation of Nigeria to UNESCO participate in the work of these Groups either by attending bureau, plenary and consultation meetings and are involved in the work of Ad-Hoc Working Groups. The different Groups hold regular meetings, or set up Committees for specific purposes, usually for consideration and recommendations on issues of common interest or for appropriate guidance at broader UNESCO meetings.

Benefits derived from membership and participation in these Regional Groups include; support for UNESCO programmes and activities in Member States’ countries and facilitation of election to positions in the Organisation’s Intergovernmental Councils and Bodies. All the above listed Groups, except the Africa and ECOWAS Groups cut across the regions of the world.