The Communication and information sector in Nigeria is vibrant. Since the deregulation of the broadcast industry in 1992 which encouraged private ownership of radio and television stations, the sector has expanded. Today, Nigeria has over 160 radio stations and 100 television stations nationwide.
The use of Information and Communication Technologies in Nigeria is also on the rise. There are about 95 million mobile phone subscribers in Nigeria and the country has the highest number of internet users in Africa, making up 32.2% of users on the continent. According the Internet World Stats, Nigeria’s internet users increased from 200, 000 users in 2000, to 45 million users in December, 2011.
The Nigerian government is also working to promote the freedom of information in the country. President Jonathan in May 2011, signed the Freedom of Information Bill into law.
Communication and Information sector of UNESCO, works hand in hand with the National Commission for UNESCO (NATCOM) in Nigeria and other relevant government agencies to:
- Promote the development of free, independent and pluralistic media for sustainable development;
- Promote the activities of the National Committee on Information For All Programme (IFAP);
- Up-grade the Communication equipment and build the capacities of Mass Communication lecturers, in the nations universities; and
- Annually celebrate the World Press Freedom Day.